1000 - 775 = 225-775 + 1000 = 225
775 is not a prime number, because 775 is divisible by 5. In fact, the prime divisors of 775 are 5, 5, and 31.
775 is the only number in all of math that equals 775.
There is no common prime factor for 133 and 1000 and so the only number that goes into both is 1.
1000 - 775 = 225-775 + 1000 = 225
first way is easy: 1000 minus 775 second way (might be the second way but not sure): minus 775 from 100 plus 225
The GCF is 25.
Place the number collected 155 over the goal of 775 to create the fraction of 155/775. Because 155 goes into 775 5 times, this can then be simplified to 1/5 or 20%.
The phone number of the Nevada Discovery Museum is: 775-786-1000.
The number 755 referes to the number of connections between the processor (CPU) and the socket that the CPU goes into. The number (and configuration) of connections between the CPU and the socket must be the same.
775 is not a prime number, because 775 is divisible by 5. In fact, the prime divisors of 775 are 5, 5, and 31.
775 is the only number in all of math that equals 775.
775 is NOT a prime number.775 = 5^2*31.