The number of different ways you can arrange the letters MNOPQ is the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time. This is 5 factorial, or 120.
Hearts (6 letters) Clubs (5 letters) Diamonds (8 letters) Spades (6 letters) So it's got to be ... Diamonds!
There are 5 letters: a c e f and h.If the letters can be repeated, then there are five possibilities for each space in the four-letter arrangement. The number of arrangements then is:5*5*5*5 = 54 = 625.
FOURFour, or Cinco (5) in Spanish.
depends what passport you have. Mine is a Spanish passport and has got letters.
first -- 5 letters second -- 6 letters third -- 5 letters fourth -- 6 letters fifth -- 5 letters sixth -- 5 letters seventh -- 7 letters eighth -- 6 letters So the nest number would be 5, because there are 5 letters in ninth.
Ah, a number that has 5 letters, isn't that a lovely little puzzle? Let's see, how about the number "three"? It has five letters and brings to mind images of gentle brushstrokes on a canvas. Just like painting, sometimes it's the simple things that bring the most joy.
The number of different ways you can arrange the letters MNOPQ is the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time. This is 5 factorial, or 120.
The answer is number 5 F, I, V, E= 4 letters But, still has 5 when the 3 letters-"F", "I", "E" are removed because "V" stands for "5" as in the Roman numbers.
Hearts (6 letters) Clubs (5 letters) Diamonds (8 letters) Spades (6 letters) So it's got to be ... Diamonds!
Yes, glove has 5 letters.