It is: 1000-100 = 900
The smallest 3 digit counting number less than 1000?? 100
The number 100 is ten times less than 1000.
You subtract, 1000 - 100.
A percentage is that number over 100. So 9% is the same as 9/100 Any number less than 9/100 is less than 9% Some examples: 8/100 23/1000 65/943 0.04 0.0837 0.001
It is: 1000-100 = 900
The smallest 3 digit counting number less than 1000?? 100
The number 100 is ten times less than 1000.
You subtract, 1000 - 100.
A percentage is that number over 100. So 9% is the same as 9/100 Any number less than 9/100 is less than 9% Some examples: 8/100 23/1000 65/943 0.04 0.0837 0.001
1944 M = 1000 CM = 900 (100 less than 1000) XL = 40 (10 less than 50) IV = 4 (1 less than 5)
100% equals the number. Less than 100% is less than the number. Greater than 100% is greater than the number.
M = 1000, CM (100 less than 1000) = 900, XC (10 less than 100) = 90 and IX (1 less than 10) = 9. So the complete numeral MCMXCIX represents 1999.
CM = 900, this is because it represents C (100) less than M (1000).
There are 49 even numbers less than 100, but only the number 2 is an even prime number less than 100.
Any number of years greater than 10 but less than a 1000 such as a century which is 100 years.
99 thousand