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Q: What number is 100 less than 4068?
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How can you tell whether the percent of a number will be greater than less than or equal to the number?

100% equals the number. Less than 100% is less than the number. Greater than 100% is greater than the number.

What prime number or number less than 100 are even?

There are 49 even numbers less than 100, but only the number 2 is an even prime number less than 100.

What is the largest prime number less than 100?

9797 is the largest prime number less than 100.

What is the smallest prime number that less than 100?

Two is the smallest prime number less than 100.

What is the first prime number less than 100?

The first prime number that is less than 100 would be "97".

What is the total number of prime numbers less than 100?

The total number of prime numbers less than 100 is 25.

Is 100 more or less than 100?

actual 100 is equal to 100 the same number can't be more or less then the same number

What are the perfect number less than 100?

300+20+8 is 10 less than what number

What number is less than 100 and is prime?

There are 25 numbers less than 100 that are prime. One is 17.

What number is less than 100 Sum of its digit is 17 And its a even number?

98. It's less than 100, and 9 + 8 = 17

What number is a square number but not a prime number and is less than 100?

No square number is a prime number, since it has the number you squared as a factor. There are several square numbers less than 100. Just calculate the squares of all numbers, starting with 1, until you reach or pass 100. Then stop.

What is a number less than 100 and has factor pairs?

All of the composite numbers less than 100 have factor pairs.