-- The sum of 25 and any positive number. -- The difference of 25 and any negative number. -- The product of 25 and any positive number greater than '1'. -- The ratio of 25 to any positive number less than '1'. -- 25 raised to any positive power greater than '1'. -- 25 raised to any negative power less than '1'. -- The factorial of any number greater than 5.
It is: 384 minus 25 = 359
10 is a positive number, -15 is a negative number. Also... The difference is 25, -15 is 25 less than 10.
-- The sum of 25 and any positive number. -- The difference of 25 and any negative number. -- The product of 25 and any positive number greater than '1'. -- The ratio of 25 to any positive number less than '1'. -- 25 raised to any positive power greater than '1'. -- 25 raised to any negative power less than '1'. -- The factorial of any number greater than 5.
The difference is 31
The term is: d-25
It is: 52-25 = 27
It is: 348-25 = 323
One number is eight more than twice another if their difference is 25. The larger number is 42
It is: 384 minus 25 = 359