Estimate the answer. If the calculated answer is close to the estimate then it is reasonable.
because if you were finding the estimate of 6-3 it wouldn't be 54853 it would be a smaller number
12 centimetres is a reasonable estimate.
You can check by using your estimated number and comparing it with your exact quotient.
24 is a reasonable estimate. (78% of 31 is 24.18).
6292 ÷ 3 = 2097⅓ So you need to multiply 3 by 2097⅓ to get 6292
No 100 is not a reasonable estimate
For a regular cubic die, a reasonable point estimate is 5000.
a moderate estimate, not expensive, reasonable in price
Estimate the answer. If the calculated answer is close to the estimate then it is reasonable.
because if you were finding the estimate of 6-3 it wouldn't be 54853 it would be a smaller number
12 centimetres is a reasonable estimate.
The phone number of the Jasper County Library is: 706-468-6292.
For multiplication or division, the only reasonable estimate is -2.
You can check by using your estimated number and comparing it with your exact quotient.