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2 is bigger than -5

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Q: What number is bigger negative 5 or 2?
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Is a negative minus a negative a negative?

yes* * * * *Wrong!The answer is that it depends! It depends on the relative magnitudes of the two numbers.If the magnitude of the first number is bigger, the answer is negative,If the magnitude of the two numbers is the same, the answer is zero,If the magnitude of the first number is smaller, the answer is positive.For example,-5 - (-2) = -3-5 - (-5) = 0-5 - (-7) = +2

What if you have a negative plus a positive number?

Negatives and subtraction go hand - in - hand For Example, - 5 + 3 = - 2 could be also seen like this. 3 - 5 = = -2 Your answer will be negative if the number with the negative sign is bigger than the number with the positive term. If both numbers are negative then you add them up as normal numbers like positive and just put a negative before the total. - 5 - 5 = - 10 - 5 + (- 5) = -10

If you subtract a negative number from a number will the answer be smaller or bigger than the original number?

Subtracting a negative number has the same effect as adding a positive number, the two negative actions cancel each other out. Therefore, for example, 5 - (-5) is the same as 5 + 5 = 10.

Adding a negative number to a positive number?

The way you add a negative number to a positive number is very simple to learn. First you need to check which number is bigger, the negative or the positive. Then you subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Whichever number is bigger is the sign you keep. If the bigger number was positive your going to put a + in front of the answer. If its negative your going to put a minus sign in front .Here's an example: -5 + +9 = +4

What do two negative numbers added together equal?

A bigger negative number. For example: -1 + -5= -6

Related questions

Why is 2- 3 bigger than 2-5?

A negative number closest to zero is greater 2-3 = negative 1 2-5 = negative 3 negative 1 is bigger because it is closer to zero

If you add a positive and a negative number how can you tell whether the answer will be positive negative or equal?

If the negative number is bigger then the answer will be negative If the bigger number is positive then the answer will be positive. All you do is subtract the two numbers and take the sign of the bigger number Ex (+2)+(-7)=(-5)

How do you subtract a negative number from a negative number?

It´s like adding them. You pretend that the second number is a positive number and then you add the two numbers together. For example: (-7) - (-2) = -7 + 2 = -5 (-2) - (-7) = -2 + 7 = 5

A positive number minus a positive number is always positive?

no not always. as long as the first number is bigger than the second number. if it is not, the answer is negative. 7-5=2 5-7= -2

Is a negative minus a negative a negative?

yes* * * * *Wrong!The answer is that it depends! It depends on the relative magnitudes of the two numbers.If the magnitude of the first number is bigger, the answer is negative,If the magnitude of the two numbers is the same, the answer is zero,If the magnitude of the first number is smaller, the answer is positive.For example,-5 - (-2) = -3-5 - (-5) = 0-5 - (-7) = +2

What does a negative number times a postive number equal?

That depends on which number is greater. ex: (9)+(-4)= +5 -- because the 9 is a larger number. Also, the use of a number line will really help. ...-5 _-4_ -3_ -2_ -1_ 0_ 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5... just start on one of the numbers and then travel to the right (if the other number is positive) , or the left ( if the other number is negative) and you will land on your answer. keep in mind that 5+(-2)= 3 is the same as 5-2= 3 Hope this helps...and if you were asking "Is a positive number TIMES a negative number negative?", the answer is yes.

What if you have a negative plus a positive number?

Negatives and subtraction go hand - in - hand For Example, - 5 + 3 = - 2 could be also seen like this. 3 - 5 = = -2 Your answer will be negative if the number with the negative sign is bigger than the number with the positive term. If both numbers are negative then you add them up as normal numbers like positive and just put a negative before the total. - 5 - 5 = - 10 - 5 + (- 5) = -10

What do you get when you subtract a positive from a positive?

Depends. If you are subtracting a bigger number from a smaller number, such as 3 - 5, you will get a negative result, -2. If you are subtracting a smaller number from a bigger number, such as 12 - 3 you will get a positive result, 9.

Is a positive plus a negative a negative?

well it depends if the negative is bigger than the positive or viseversa. lets say you have -5+7 it would equal 2. if it was -7+5 it would equal -2. In short, a positive number plus a negative number is the same thing as a positive number minus another positive number. Example: 3 + (-2) = 1 3 - 2 = 1

If you subtract a negative number from a number will the answer be smaller or bigger than the original number?

Subtracting a negative number has the same effect as adding a positive number, the two negative actions cancel each other out. Therefore, for example, 5 - (-5) is the same as 5 + 5 = 10.

Adding a negative number to a positive number?

The way you add a negative number to a positive number is very simple to learn. First you need to check which number is bigger, the negative or the positive. Then you subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Whichever number is bigger is the sign you keep. If the bigger number was positive your going to put a + in front of the answer. If its negative your going to put a minus sign in front .Here's an example: -5 + +9 = +4

A negative plus a negative is positive?

No a negative plus a negative is not a positive answer. example. -5+-2=-7 but if you are subtracting a negative number from a negative, then the second negative number would become a positive. example. -5 - -2= -5+2= =-3