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Q: What number is equal to the sum of the cube of its own digits and 3 digit number less than 500 and is the sum of consecutive factorials and is a triangle number?
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Peterson Number:145 = 1! + 4! + 5!number=sum of (factorials of digits)

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Without using exponents or factorials, that's it.

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Logic Of Strong number: Take anumber.First findout the factorials of all the digits of the number.Then sum the factorials of all the digits.If that sum is equal to the entered number then that number is said to be a strong number.

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I guess the expected answer is 97210. Using factorials and exponents very much greater number can be obtained. For example, 97210 is a number with 6880 digits. And that is without using factorials.

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Yes: 1 and 0 are consecutive.

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Consecutive identical digits could be digits that are the same and appear next to one another in a number. For example, the hundreds and tens digits in 1442 could be considered consecutive identical.

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A krishnamurthy number is one whose sum of the factorials of each number is equal to the number itself. Example145sum of factorial of each digits = 1+24+120 = 145 which is the number itself.

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The sum of the factorials of digits of a number is equal to the original number. Ex: n=145=> 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145