1 ft = 30.48cm [exactly] => 248cm = 248 ÷ 30.48 ft ~= 8.14 ft
The number will be the cube root of 248, which is about 6.2827636.
247.68 years rounded to the nearest whole number is 248
To find 30 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.3. In this instance, 0.3 x 248 = 74.4. Therefore, 30 percent of 248 is equal to 74.4.
The whole number of 247 is between the whole numbers of 246 and 248
This information tells us that (248/x) = (62/100) , by the definition of percentage. Thus x = 248*(100/62) = 400 so there are 400 students in the class.
248% = 248/100 = 212/25
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 248, exactly as in the question.
1 ft = 30.48cm [exactly] => 248cm = 248 ÷ 30.48 ft ~= 8.14 ft
The number will be the cube root of 248, which is about 6.2827636.
248 is a composite number because it has factors other than 1 and itself. It is not a prime number. For example, 248 is an even number, which means it is also divisible by 2.
248/5 as a mixed number or whole number is 49 and 3/5
247.68 years rounded to the nearest whole number is 248
(860) 678-1005
+248 is the International Dialing Code for the Seychelles.