2.1 is the greater number
The number 7678 is greater than the number 767
It is greater because with more digits the greater the value of the number will be.
the number on the right is the greater of two numbers
a big number
3.3% = .033 Because percentages are out of a total of 100% you divide 3.3 into 100 to get .033. 3.3/100=.033
033 - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: India:U
30 033 033 000
.9 is greater. Look at the first number after the decimal point -if it is greater, the number is greater. if the number is the same, go to the next decimal point; if it is greater, the number is greater; etc.
It eats the greater number. for example- 3>1
the greater number is 32.
2.1 is the greater number
.033 hectograms