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Google is not a number

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Q: What number is greater then Google?
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Which is greate .4 or .9?

.9 is greater. Look at the first number after the decimal point -if it is greater, the number is greater. if the number is the same, go to the next decimal point; if it is greater, the number is greater; etc.

Does the greater sign eat the greater number or the less number?

It eats the greater number. for example- 3>1

Which is the greater number of 32 and 23?

the greater number is 32.

What number is greater 2.1 or 2.019?

2.1 is the greater number

What is the biggest number in the dictionary?

google is the biggest number in the world and google is a real number

Can Google be the last number?

Google isn't a number, it's a made up word. It was created by the people who deveoped google. Googel is a number, not google. The last number doesn't exist. Numbers are infinite.

What number is greater 0.4 or 0.30?

The number 0.4 is greater than the number 0.30.

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The number 7678 is greater than the number 767

Is .03 greater or less than .015?

Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.

Why is any number with the most digits greater?

It is greater because with more digits the greater the value of the number will be.

What happens when you multiply positive by a number greater than one?

A positive number is a number greater than zero. Therefore: 5 x 2 = 10 is one example.

What is greater .9 or .1?
