The number 5 is in the tenths place.
The number '8' is in the tenths place.
There are five tenths in the number 54.724. To find this, you look at the digit in the tenths place, which is 7. This digit represents seven tenths. The digits to the right of the tenths place do not contribute to the number of tenths.
The digit in the tenths place is 0.
The tenths place in 2.931 is the number 9.
There is no digit in the tenths place of the number 26 - the tenths place is the number to the right of the decimal point.
The number 5 is in the tenths place.
number in the tenths place 5.1= 1
The number 7 is in the tenths place value
The number '8' is in the tenths place.
The number in the tenths place is 1.
7 is in the tenths place.
The digit in the tenths place is 0.
The tenths place in 2.931 is the number 9.
The number two is in the tenths place.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 0.3554 is the digit 3.
The tenths place in 34.1 is .1; the tenths place is the first number to the right of the decimal.