The number 1395.36 is already rounded to two decimal places.
Rounded to two decimal places it would be 65.25
The number 3566.15 is already rounded to two decimal places.
94 is the greatest two-digit whole number that when rounded to the nearest ten rounds to a two-digit number.
The number 615.44 is already rounded to two decimal places.
The number 187.96 is already rounded to two decimal places.
The number 1395.36 is already rounded to two decimal places.
Rounded to two decimal places it would be 65.25
'94' rounded to the nearest tens is '90'.
When the value 4,449 is rounded to two significant figures the number should be reported as 4,400
2 and 1/5 is 2.2 rounded to nearest whole number is 2
4 and 2 thirds rounded up to the nearest whole number is 5
Rounded to nearest 10: 40 Rounded to a whole number: 39 Rounded to one decimal: 39,1 Rounded to two decimals:39,09