Three fourths is greater than one fourth. For any positive number, and the same denominator, if there is a larger number in the numerator, it is larger.
Three fourths is a number. Numbers are an abstract concept and do not have a physical existence. They, therefore, cannot have any volume.
4 and 1/2
3/4 of 360 is 270.
To find three-fourths of 360, you first multiply 360 by 3 to get 1080. Then, you divide 1080 by 4 to find the final answer. 1080 divided by 4 is 270. Therefore, three-fourths of 360 is 270.
Three fourths of a number is the same as 75 percent of a number. To find three fourths of a number, multiply the number by 0.75.
Well, honey, a full turn is 360 degrees, so if you want three fourths of that, you just do some basic math. Three fourths of 360 is 270 degrees. So, there you have it, 270 degrees in three fourths of a full turn. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
Fifteen is three-fourths of what number?
360 divided by 4 equals 90 and three times 90 is 270 so the answer is 270
Three fourths is greater than one fourth. For any positive number, and the same denominator, if there is a larger number in the numerator, it is larger.
three fourths of sixteen is twelve.3/4 of 16 is 12
three fourths is greater than five eights
You cannot convert three-fourths onto a whole number.... it is a fraction, indicating that some item has been divided into four parts and you are dealing with three of them. You can convert three-fourths of a known number into another (smaller) number by dividing the known number by 4 and multiplying the result by 3 - so that three-fourths of 120 would be calculated as 120 / 4 = 30. 30 x 3 = 90..... so 90 is three-fourths of 120.
3 is.