Multiply 2 by the number of litres/liters in an imperial/US gallon: 2 imperial gallons to litres, multiply by 4.54609 2 US gallons to liters, multiply by 3.78541
To find the fraction of 42 that is 6, you would divide 6 by 42. The result is 1/7, which means that 6 is 1/7 of 42. This fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this case is 6. So, the simplified fraction is 1/7.
There are 4.54609 litres in an imperial (UK) gallon and 3.78541 litres in a US liquid gallon and 4.40488 litres in a US dry gallon. To convert litres to any particular unit, multiply the number of gallons by the number of litres in that particular "flavor" of gallon to get your answer.One Gallon is 3.7854118 litres.For US measure, gallons x 3.785 = liters
The number 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 x 10^44.There are names for the number 10^42 in both the short scale (US) and long scale (European).The number 1 x 10^44 is 100 x 10^42-- "one hundred tredecillion" (short scale)-- "one hundred sextillard " (long scale), or "one hundred thousand sextillion."
To multiply two mixed numbers you first need to convert them to vulgar fraction form. This is done by multiplying the units by the denominator, and adding it to the numerator. For 5 1/5, you have to multiply 5x5 to get 25, then add this to the 1, giving us 26/5. For 3 1/4, you have to multiply 3x4 to get 12, and then add this to the one to give 13/4. Thus the question can be rewritten as 26/5 x 13/4. To multiply fractions you simply multiply the numerators and the denominators. 26x13 = 338 5x4 = 20. Thus the answer is 338/20 This can then be simplified into the mixed number 16 and 9/10
number 42
the number us saud ti be "squared."
Find the common denominator of the two fractions, which will give us 6. Multiply the numerator by the number of times
Number 42 among the US States.
3 and 1 third (3.3333333...)
Multiply 2 by the number of litres/liters in an imperial/US gallon: 2 imperial gallons to litres, multiply by 4.54609 2 US gallons to liters, multiply by 3.78541
There are 42 cups in 21 pints. One pint is equal to 2 cups. So, to find the number of cups in 21 pints, you can multiply 21 pints by 2 cups.
To convert from US Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 3.7854 To convert from UK Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 4.54609188.
13% of 112 is 14.56. We get this because to find a percent of something, we divide the percent by 100, so for example this 13% would turn into 0.13, then we multiply this by our original number, in this case 112. This will give us what 13% of this number is.