It is the cubed root.
6,859 cubed is equal to 322,687,697,779.
Well, 1 cubed is 1*1*1 Therefore, 1 cubed would equal 1
Something that is cubed, is a number to the third power. So in this case 8 cubed would be equal to 8x8x8, which is 512.
45 cubed is equal to 91,125.
It is about 16.19805901
It is the cubed root.
6,859 cubed is equal to 322,687,697,779.
-2 cubed is equal to -8.
No - a millilitre is equal to a centimetre cubed, not a millimetre cubed.
Well, 1 cubed is 1*1*1 Therefore, 1 cubed would equal 1
Something that is cubed, is a number to the third power. So in this case 8 cubed would be equal to 8x8x8, which is 512.
The number 6 can be factored into 2 x 3. So 6 cubed can be factored into 2 cubed times 3 cubed. In either case, the result is equal to 216.
The answer to 53 - that is, five cubed, is equal to 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.