293 is already prime. Those numbers don't exist.
One and two hundred and ninety three (1x293)
They are: 1*293 = 293 which is a prime number
293 = 293. Any other number is not equal to 293.
There are infinitely many possible answers to this question. Some answers, for example, are:1*293, 1*1*293, 1*1*1*293 and so on.2*146.5, 20*14.65, 200*1.465 and so on5*58.6, 50*5.86 and so on.or sqrt(293)*sqrt(293).
293 is already prime. Those numbers don't exist.
One and two hundred and ninety three (1x293)
They are: 1*293 = 293 which is a prime number
293 = 293. Any other number is not equal to 293.
One possible answer is 1 and 293.
1 and 782 and 293 and 26 and more
293 x 1 = 293, but those numbers are factors.
1 x 293
There are infinitely many possible answers to this question. Some answers, for example, are:1*293, 1*1*293, 1*1*1*293 and so on.2*146.5, 20*14.65, 200*1.465 and so on5*58.6, 50*5.86 and so on.or sqrt(293)*sqrt(293).
146.5 X 2 = 293
293 is a prime number. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. In the case of 293, it cannot be divided evenly by any other numbers besides 1 and itself, making it a prime number.
1 x 293