

Best Answer

1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50

2 x 25 = 50

5 x 10 = 50

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Q: What numbers can you get to 50 by multiplying?
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How is multiplying rational numbers like multiplying fractions and multiplying decimals?

Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.

What is the result of multiplying numbers called?

The result of multiplying numbers is called the product.

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It is not as helpful when multiplying very small numbers because the numbers are going to be very east to answer. That is why estimating is not as helpful when multiplying very small numbers.

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Multiples of 4 up to 50?

4 could only go up to 52 or 48, you could not get to 50 by just multiplying 4 by other whole numbers

Are you supposed to borrow when multiplying?

There is no need to borrow when multiplying. You need to carry numbers when multiplying but not borrow.

How is multiplying a decimal by a whole number the same as multiplying 2 whole numbers?

It is not. When multiplying two whole numbers you need not be concerned about placing the decimal point in the answer.

What numbers cant you make by multiplying prime numbers?

prime numbers

How is multiplying mixed numbers different than multiplying fractions?

if you have mixed numbers you make them into improper fractions before you multiply

Why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right?

why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right

Why would multiplying numbers in scientific notation be easier than multiplying them the regular way?

Multiplying numbers in scientific notation is easier when the numbers are very, very large or very, very small. Multiplying 0.000000000385 x 0.0000000474 is a pain. Multiplying 3.85 x 10-10 x 4.74 x 10-8 is not.

How do you square numbers?

You square numbers by multiplying the number by itself.