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This may sound like a tautological answer. But ∞+1 comes after ∞. And ∞+2 comes after that. As long as what you define is mathematically consistent and makes logical sense, you are allowed to make up whatever number system and rules you want.

Georg Cantor defined the ordinal numbers and transfinite arithmetic by making the + operator non-commutative. So 99+∞=∞ but ∞<∞+1.

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Q: What numbers come after Infinity?
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All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.

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Whatever the number you might think of, you can always add 1 to it. So, no, numbers don't come to an end. It's called infinity. or google

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An infinity. There is an infinity of numbers between any two numbers. I you want whole numbers, there are 31.

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No there isn't. Some people say that infinity is the last number but what about infinity and one and infinity and two? So basically there is no end to numbers. To infinity and beyond!

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Infinity is not a defined number. It describes, in math, the endlessness of numbers.

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Infinity is a term used to denote something with no end. Numbers are infinite as no matter what number you can think of you can always up that number by 1. Thus numbers span into infinity. Infinity itself is not a number.

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There is no median. Infinity is named so because there is no final number; numbers keep going on and on and on, so there can be no median between 1 and infinity. Or alternatively, half infinity