2 3 5 are prime numbers.
There are no integers between 2 and 3, not including the numbers themselves.
There are none between 2 and 3.2 & 3 are both prime numbers though.
what are the next numbers in the pattern 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,_,_
2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3
There are 4: 2, 3, 5 and 7
If it is integers, you have -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3. If rational numbers or irrational numbers or real numbers, there are an infinity of them between -3 and 4.
2 3 5 are prime numbers.
1. The difference of two numbers are the numbers between them. The difference is found by subtracting the smaller number from the larger. In this case, 2 is subtracted from 3 (3-2) with a difference of 1. 3-2=1
Ther are lots of numbers between 2 and 3 here are just some of them: 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9 etc.
There are no integers between 2 and 3, not including the numbers themselves.
1.8,1.9 and 2
between 1 and 600 inclusive there are:300 numbers divisible by 2200 numbers divisible by 3100 numbers divisible by both 2 and 3400 numbers divisible by 2 or 3.
There are none between 2 and 3.2 & 3 are both prime numbers though.