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It is easy to prove that such a set of numbers cannot exist.

If the median is -1 and the mean is different from the median, then there must be at least one number that is less than or equal to -1. Then, if the range is 6, the largest number can only be 5.

If the largest number is 5 and the mean is 5, then all the numbers must be 5. That is not possible because there is at least one that is -1 or smaller.

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Q: What numbers have a mean of 5 a median of -1 and the range of 6?
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What does mean mode range and mediam mean?

The range is the spread of data - the largest number minus the smallest. The mean, mode and median are types of average. The mean is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers (e.g. the mean of 1, 1, 3, 5 and 8) is 3.6). The mode is the number that appears most often (1 for the previous example). The median is the 'middle number'. To work it out, place the numbers in order from lowest to highest. If the number of numbers is odd, the median is the number in the middle (3 for the given example). If the number of numbers is even, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers (e.g. for 1, 1, 3 and 5, the middle numbers are 1 and 3 so the median is 2). The mean and median often are similar but the mode is often greatly different to the two other averages.

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The outlier is capable of affecting mean median mode and range it affects mean because the average has changed if affects median because you have to cross out 1 more letter it doesn't affect mode it does affect range because an outlier is a number that i far away from the other numbers * * * * * It does not affect the median.

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What is the range mean median and mode of 26-11-11-1-1?

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What does Median Maximum Minimum Range mean?

Median is the middle number (e.g., in a series of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 4 is the median) Maximum is the highest number (7 in above example) Minimum is the lowest number (1 in above example) Range is the range of numbers (1-7, or possible the difference b/w max and min = 6 - see your textbook to verify)

What is the range mode meadin and mean?

The range is the difference between the largest number and smallest number; 1,4,7,12 - range is 12-1=11 Range is 11. The mode is the most frequent occurring number; 1,1,1,4,6,7, - mode is 1. Median is the halfway point between the numbers; 1,2,4,5,8,9,10 - median is 5. Mean is the 'average' of the set of numbers - 1+2+3+4=10/4=2.5

What is the mean median mode and range of 9 and 9 and 8?

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Mean: 3.857 Median: 3 Mode: 1, 3, 6 Range: 6

What are thre numbers with a range of 10 and a median of 6?

1, 6, and 11

What is the formula for mean mode median and range in math?

Mean =sum of elements/number of elements Median=sort the numbers in ascending order. case 1:if the count of elemets is odd then the median is middle number case 2:if the count of elements is even, then median is n(n+1)/2 where n->two intermediate numbers mode- the number which occurs most often in a sequence