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Prime numbers have one distinct prime factor.

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Q: What numbers have only 1 distinct factor?
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What is the name of a composite number with only 1 prime factor?

Squares (or cubes or more) of prime numbers have one distinct prime factor, but if you're counting them individually, all composite numbers have at least two prime factors.

What will be the greatest common factor of two distinct prime numbers?

It will always be 1.

What is the greatest common factor in any two distinct numbers?

That depends on the numbers. The GCF of any two prime numbers is 1.

Which numbers have only 1 as their factor?

The only number with one factor is 1.

What is the difference between factor pairs and distinct factor pairs?

The difference is between factor pairs and distinct factors. With square numbers, one of the factor pairs will be the same number twice. When listing the distinct factors, that number is only listed once.

Is the greatest common factor of two distinct prime numbers always 1?


How many numbers between 1 and 30 have a distinct prime factor?

Every whole number has at least one prime factor.With the possible exception of ' 1 ', whose only factor is ' 1 ' andisn't considered a prime number.

What do you call a number that's neither prime or composite?

One.By definition numbers are:prime if they have only 2 distinct factors (namely 1 and the number itself);composite if they have 3 or more distinct factorsThe important thing to note is the word distinct. The number 1 has only 1 distinct factor, namely 1; thus it is neither a prime (the first prime number is 2) nor composite.

Does 3 only have one distinct factor?

The factors of 3 are 1 and 3.

Why is the greatest common factor of two numbers sometimes 1?

All numbers have a common factor of 1. Sometimes that's the only common factor.

What are common factors of the numbers from 1 to 100?

The only common factor of these numbers is 1.

Is it true that two distinct prime numbers can are relatively prime?

It is true. Two numbers are relatively prime if they do not have any factors in common greater than 1. A prime number has only two factors - 1 and itself. Thus, two different prime numbers will only have 1 as a common factor, which means they are relatively prime.