168 are.
Prime numbers
google / 1000 primes
There are 168 prime numbers less than 1,000.
210 has 4, which is the maximum possible. There are other numbers with 4 different prime factors.
168 are.
Prime numbers
The set of prime factors of the numbers from 1 to 15,000 would be the set of prime numbers between 1 and 15,000. The link below has a list of the first 10,000 prime numbers, so if you take the primes less than 15,000, you will have the set of prime factors of the first 15,000 numbers. For prime factors of individual numbers, check the related question, "What are the prime factors of the numbers from 1 to 200?" Also check for WikiAnswers questions in the form of "What are the prime factors of __?" and "What are the factors and prime factors of __?"
By definition, a prime number has exactly two factors. So, there are no prime numbers with exactly three factors.
One of them.
google / 1000 primes
There are 168 prime numbers less than 1,000.
Prime squares have three factors. There are 11 of them in that range.
512 = 29 or 768 = 28*3 have 9 prime factors each.