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Q: What of the following ko values represents the weakest base?
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What Kb value represents the weakest base?

Kb = 3.8 10-10

What Kb values represents the strongest base?

Kb=1.62 * 10-12

Can some tell you what the weakest legendary is on Pokemon?

ShayminPhione is the weakest legendary Pokemon with a base stat of 480.

Which is weakest base in organic and inorganic chemistry?

Weakest base is that which is strongest acid the latest research proves that strongest acid is a mixture HF.SbF5 Antimonic acid.

Is NH4OH the weakest base?

No, water is weaker than it.

Who is the weakest legendary Pokemon?

That depends whether you consider Rotom a legendary. If you do then Rotom is the weakest, if not then it's Phione. This is judged on total base stats.

What do the numbers on the pH scales mean?

The pH scale measures the acidity or basicity of a solution on a scale from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, while values below 7 indicate acidity and values above 7 indicate alkalinity. Each unit change in pH represents a tenfold change in acidity or alkalinity.

What is binary 11111111 represents what base ten number?

The binary number 11111111 represents the number 255 in base 10.

What is Binary System is and how ito represents data?

The binary numeral system, or base-2 number systemrepresents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1. More specifically, the usual base-2 system is apositional notation with a radix of 2.

Which of following KB values represent the strongest base?

Kb = 1.8 x 10-5 (apple x)

What do bases P S and A base represent?

Base P typically represents the phosphate group in biochemistry, base S represents the sugar molecule (such as ribose or deoxyribose), and base A represents adenine, which is one of the four nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA. Together, they form the building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA.

What is the correct binary number for 255?

11111111 (base 2, also called biinary) represents 255. This is all 8 bits of a byte have a value of 1. A byte can represent 256 different values (0 to 255)