One sixteenth of 100 is 6.25 so 6.25% is one sixteenth of 100.
What is one sixteenth of 20000
30 seconds is one sixteenth of eight minutes
One sixteenth divided by 2 is equal to one thirty-second.
The word inch comes from the Latin word "uncia" meaning one twelfth part. The word ounce, which is used to mean one sixteenth of a pound, is derived from the same word.
That is one ounce.
About one sixteenth of a pound.
one sixteenth
one sixteenth of a pound
1 pound is equivelent to 16 ounces
1/16 ounce = 1.8 grams.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here! So, like, there are 16 ounces in a pound, right? So, one ounce is like 1/16 of a pound. It's like cutting a pizza into 16 slices and taking one slice. Math can be delicious, man.
1/16 × 1 = 1/16 = 0.0625 ---------------------------------------------------- You may have missed off a unit, as in one sixteenth of one POUND (weight) → 1/16 × 1lb = 1 oz (1 ounce).
One sixteenth of 100 is 6.25 so 6.25% is one sixteenth of 100.
What is one sixteenth of 20000
1 oz. One pound equals to 16 ounces and one ounce equals 0.06 of a pound. Also this relates only to solid (weight) ounces. There are two different kinds of ounces, ounces of weight/mass and ounces of volume (fluid). This can change when you are using the ounces to measure a non-liquid such as flour or sugar since the weight of dry items is not the same as their volume. An ounce of volume is called a "fluid ounce."
three sixteenth