multiplication. when you multiply 2 numbers the answer you get is a product.
5 times 4 = 20
20 is the product
"Product" is a binary operation. That means you need two numbers before you can have a product. So 34 does not have a product and so there is no way to find it!
the math operation that is the product is the anwser.
"Product" is a binary operation. That means you need two numbers before you can have a product. So 34 does not have a product and so there is no way to find it!
Product is a binary operation so you need two arguments before you can find their product.
the math operation that is the product is the anwser.
A single number cannot have a product: a product is the result of a BINARY OPERATION and this means that it must have two inputs.
If you are asking in terms of computers then an operation is performed on an operand.
AND operation is referred as a boolean product
An operation which when performed multiple times, has no further effect on Its subject after the first time it is performed. - Nacolepsy
An active operation is one that is currently being performed.
Examples: * [] -> = ==,<=,<,!=,>=,> +,+=,-,-=