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Q: What organ in the body is shaped in a triangular shape?
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What body parts are shaped like wedges?

A few body parts that are shaped like wedges include the nose, the chin, and the base of the spine (sacrum). These body parts have a triangular or tapering shape resembling a wedge.

The triangular-shaped body of water that forms where a streams enters a larger body of water is?

Delta referred to as the triangular-shaped body of water that forms where a streams enters a larger body of water.

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The hollow muscular pear-shaped organ inside the female body is the uterus.

What kind of bug is small and triangular?

There are a few small bugs that are triangular in shape namely Troilus luridus, Sloe Bug, Striped Shieldbug, Green Shield Bug.

What is a praying mantis body shape?

mantises head is a triangular shape body looks like a rectangle.

What are dropping deposits that form triangle shaped landforms called?

The triangular-shaped landforms caused by deposited sediment are called deltas. Deltas typically form at the mouth of rivers where the flowing water slows down and deposits sediment, creating a triangular shape as it spreads out into a larger body of water like a lake or ocean.

What determins the shape of an organ?

Its position in the body.

How does an apple look like a body organ?

because of the way it is shaped.

What organ helps the body move?

The Brain.

What is the structure of an organism?

An organ's structure is the organ's size, shape and location within the body.

What is the structure an organism?

An organ's structure is the organ's size, shape and location within the body.

What is the name for a triangular shaped area of mud sand and slit formed when a river empties into a larger body of water?

That triangular area is called a delta. It's named after a triangular shaped letter of the Greek alphabet.Note: A river that empties into a lake is most often known as the headwaters if it is the primary water source for body of water= or = tributary.