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Q: What other equipment must be on board if your vessel is 16 feet or longer?
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In addition to pfd what other equipment must be on board of a vessel 16 feet or longer?

throwable PFD

In addition to the required wearable PFDs what other equipment must be on board if your vessel is 16 feet or longer?

An anchor with minimum 50 ft.

If you have a recreational vessel with installed toilet facilities what other equipment must be on board?

an operable marine sanitation device (MSD)

What if your vessel is 16 feet long or longer. In addition to one life jacket for each person on board what other equipment must be on board?

Apart from the question of the number of personal life jacket requirements per person, it is wise to have 50% more in hand. This is apart from floatation devices: benches that will float, seating and anything else that will also float.

What document must be on board and available for inspection by an enforcement officer whenever a vessel is being operated?

This depends on the jurisdiction, however generally speaking the following equipment is required: Life jackets for all on board Horn or other signalling device Bailing device Where a person is required to have a permit or license to operate a vessel, these must also be carried on board.

What can you legally attach your vessel to?

You can legally attach your vessel to a dock, a mooring ball, or another vessel with the permission of the other vessel's owner. It is important to follow local regulations and rules when attaching your vessel to other objects.

What is the role of the Indo Board Balance Training Equipment?

Indo Board Balance Training Equipment has the role to train athletes on balance skills. Athletes could use the balance skills acquired for several sports like Yoga, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Canoe, Hockey and many other sports.

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand-on vessel?

Rule 13-International Overtaking (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules of this section any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken . In other words the vessel being overtaken is the stand-on vessel and the overtaking is the giveway vessel.

When two vessels are operating near each other which vessel must take early and substantial action to keep well away from the other vessel?

the give-way vessel

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand-on?

Rule 13-International Overtaking (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules of this section any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken . In other words the vessel being overtaken is the stand-on vessel and the overtaking is the giveway vessel.

What is the only waste from producing electricity from hydrogen and oxygen?

As no conversion is without some losses (the laws of thermodynamics assures this is the case) there will be heat loss, transmission losses, wear and tare on the equipment etc. There will be other losses/waste from the manufacturing of the equipment and the recycling of the equipment when it is no longer in service.

Where can heat be transferred to other than the water?

Which water are you speaking of? The water in a vessel, I presume? heat can go into the water, the vessel/container, the air around the vessel, and the structure holding the vessel, and the structures in the vicinity