14/16 can be reduced to 7/8. 14 divided by 2 = 7, and 16 divided by 2 = 8.
Likewise, you can also multiply the fraction 14/16 by any number. 28/32 is equal to 14/16.
equivalent factors are fractions where the numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same number, so equivalent fractions of 7/8 by 2,3, and 4 are (14/16, 21/24, and 28/32)
2 equivalent fractions for 7 eights = 14/16, 21/24
It is: 7/8 = 14/16
7/8, 14/16
7 over 8
14/16 = 7/8
They are: 14/16 and 21/24
equivalent factors are fractions where the numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same number, so equivalent fractions of 7/8 by 2,3, and 4 are (14/16, 21/24, and 28/32)
7/8, 14/16
8/16, 3/16, 14/16
14/16 and 21/24 are two equivalent fractions to 7/8
2 equivalent fractions for 7 eights = 14/16, 21/24
It is: 7/8 = 14/16
7/8, 14/16
7 over 8
14/16, 21/24
14/23 12/15 16/19