The LCM is 900.
15 and 90
The set of (90,90) has a GCF and an LCM of 90.The set of (-90,-90) has a GCF and an LCM of 90.
There are no pairs of 2-digit numbers with a difference of 90 if both numbers are positive or both negative. However, with one positive and one negative, there are 71 pairs.
The LCM is 90.The LCM is 90.
The LCM is 90.
LCM of 15 9 and 18 is 90. The LCM of 9, 15 and 18 is 90.
Since 30 is a factor of 90, the LCM is the larger of the two numbers, ie 90.
The LCM is 900.
45 and 90
24 and 48
6 and 90
15 and 90
The least common multiple of the numbers 6 and 18 is 18.
A common question in mathematics asks you to find two pairs of numbers with a given LCM. It is trying to find out whether you know what an LCM is, how to find it and reinforces the fact that more than one pair of numbers can have the same LCM. Q. Find two pairs of numbers with the LCM of 36. A. 4 and 9, 12 and 18 (Other answers are possible.)