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I think it is lines of latitude.

___________my answer is the tropic of cancer and Capricorn

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Q: What parallel lines circles the planet?
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What parallels are not circles?

If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.

What are lines that never intersect called?

the answer is parallel lines

What are all the lines like parallel?

parallel lines are slanted lines

What is a space figure will parallel bases that are congruent parallel circles?

It is a cylinder.

Does parallel go left to right?

No, parallel lines are any two lines that are at the exact same distance apart for all their length, they will NEVER intersect. Their orientation can be left to right, up and down and any angle in between. Parallels of latitude, however, are concentric circles around the earth in the east west orientation, parallel to the equator.

Related questions

Can two circles be parallel?

The circles could be in 2 planes that are parallel to each other. Lines and planes can be parallel. Lines of latitude are examples of circles that are in parallel planes.

What parallels are not circles?

If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.

What parallel lines split the world?

"Parallels" or "Circles of Latitude".

What is a imaginary north south lines parallel to the prime meridian that circles the globe vertically?

Lines of longitude.

What is the term for the imaginary parallel lines that circles the earth?

Latitude and LongitudeLatitude is the lines that go from east to west, and longitude from north to south.

What are latitude lines known as?

They are known as parallels - a bit of a misnomer, really, because there are no parallel lines on the surface of a sphere: lines of latitude themselves are not lines, but circles, except for the equator.

What shape could not have parallel lines?

Triangles, Circles, Ellipses Only triangle if you only want polygons.

What is the latitudes lines?

Lines of latitude are any of the circles, called parallels, that are to the north or to the south of the equator and parallel to it. They are the lines on standard maps that go from east to west; right-left.It is an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator.

What are line of latitude known as?

They are known as parallels - a bit of a misnomer, really, because there are no parallel lines on the surface of a sphere: lines of latitude themselves are not lines, but circles, except for the equator.

What line run parallel to the equator?

Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator, and that includes the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are also parallel to the equator.See the link below

Do parallel lines run from the north to south pole?

In plane geometry, the geometry of a flat surface, parallel lines by definition never meet. However in spherical geometry, the geometry of the surface of a sphere (such as the planet Earth) parallel lines meet at the poles.

What is a another name for latitude lines?

They are sometimes called parallels. They are parallel to the equator, zero degrees latitude, and parallel to each other. They are all circles, except for the poles which are points.A parallel is another name for a line of latitude because all lines of latitude are parallel to each other.Graticule .parallels