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Q: What parameter is measured in TAN DELTA test?
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What is the value of tan 1?

tan(1) = 1.5574 where the angle is measured in radians.

What is the value of tan 39?

tan(39c) = 3.6146 If the angle was not measured in radians (the mathematical standard), you should have mentioned the units used.

What is the height of a building when the distance between its angles of elevation which are 29 degrees and 37 degrees is 30 meters on level ground?

Using trigonometry its height works out as 63 meters to the nearest meter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let: h = height building α, β be the angles of elevation (29° and 37° in some order) d be the distance between the elevations (30 m). x = distance from building where the elevation of angle α is measured. Then: angle α is an exterior angle to the triangle which contains the position from which angle α is measured, the position from which angle β is measured and the point of the top of the building. Thus angle α = angle β + angle at top of building of this triangle → angle α > angle β as the angle at the top of the building is > 0 → α = 37°, β = 29° Using the tangent trigonometric ratio we can form two equations, one with angle α, one with angle β: tan α = h/x → x = h/tan α tan β = h/(x + d) → x = h/tan β - d → h/tan α = h/tan β - d → h/tan β - 1/tan α = d → h(1/tan β - 1/tan α) = d → h(tan α - tan β)/(tan α tan β) = d → h = (d tan α tan β)/(tan α - tan β) We can now substitute the values of α, β and x in and find the height: h = (30 m × tan 37° × tan 29°)/(tan 37° - tan 29°) ≈ 63 m

Tan 9 plus tan 81 -tan 27-tan 63?

tan(9) + tan(81) - tan(27) - tan(63) = 4

If for a triangle abc tan a-b plus tan b-c plus tan c-a equals 0 then what can you say about the triangle?

tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) + tan (C-A)=0 tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) - tan (A-C)=0 tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) = tan (A-C) (A-B) + (B-C) = A-C So we can solve tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) = tan (A-C) by first solving tan x + tan y = tan (x+y) and then substituting x = A-B and y = B-C. tan (x+y) = (tan x + tan y)/(1 - tan x tan y) So tan x + tan y = (tan x + tan y)/(1 - tan x tan y) (tan x + tan y)tan x tan y = 0 So, tan x = 0 or tan y = 0 or tan x = - tan y tan(A-B) = 0 or tan(B-C) = 0 or tan(A-B) = - tan(B-C) tan(A-B) = 0 or tan(B-C) = 0 or tan(A-B) = tan(C-B) A, B and C are all angles of a triangle, so are all in the range (0, pi). So A-B and B-C are in the range (- pi, pi). At this point I sketched a graph of y = tan x (- pi < x < pi) By inspection I can see that: A-B = 0 or B-C = 0 or A-B = C-B or A-B = C-B +/- pi A = B or B = C or A = C or A = C +/- pi But A and C are both in the range (0, pi) so A = C +/- pi has no solution So A = B or B = C or A = C A triangle ABC has the property that tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) + tan (C-A)=0 if and only if it is isosceles (or equilateral).

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What is acceptable value of tan delta in oil filled and dry type 33 KV transformers?

Tan Delta is a condition monitoring test. Value of Tan Delta very much depends upon the temperature and recommended values at 20Deg.C is 1. Values at other temperatures can be determined by using correction factor given in IEC76

Why Tan delta tests are conducted and what is the permissible limits?

tan delta test means we test the healthiness dielectric strength of bushing present condition,at this same time we maser capacitance also .conductor surrounding oil impregnated paper is there it is terminated at test point,it is equivalent to capacitance .Healthy capacitor current and by 90 degrees.during deterioration time some resistance added,resultant is leakage current,it is checked by we conducting tan delta.this resultant values compared to manufacturer reports and factory test reports.tan delta value always in percentage.Allowable value for tan delta test is 0.8 %tan delta also called loss angle.test details : we are using megger kit,it is combination of control unit and transformer unit.we are applying 2kv 5kv 10kvour kit capacity is 12kv. you have one dought here ,Wye we are applying higher voltages for higher transformers bushings,you remember one thing here we increase voltage ,will not increaseloss factor (tan delta)

Which is greater tan 1tan2 tan3 .arrange them in descending order?

If the angles are measured in degrees or gradians, then: tan 3 > tan 2 > tan 1 If the angles are measured in radians, then: tan 1 > tan 3 > tan 2.

How many tests are done in tan delta testing?


Why tan delta test give negative values?

The reason is that internal voids within the insulation will discharge as the voltage rises; once discharged, they will not do so again at some higher voltage. if all voids become discharged, theoretically the plot of tan delta versus voltage would level off to a horizontal line. In effect, tip-up becomes "negative".

What is the value of tan 1?

tan(1) = 1.5574 where the angle is measured in radians.

What test is than for tan tube?

The tan test tube is used for lead determinations. in other words to check lead levels

What is the value of tan 39?

tan(39c) = 3.6146 If the angle was not measured in radians (the mathematical standard), you should have mentioned the units used.

What is TAN DELTA testing of transformer?

Tan Delta is also known as the 'loss angle' or 'dissipation factor'. It is used to test the level of degradation in insulation materials of electrical machines and power cables. The winding insulation of an electrical machine, or a cable free from defects, will act as a perfect capacitor, that is, it will only store energy and not dissipate it. In an ideal capacitor, the voltage and current are out of phase by 90 degrees and the current flowing through the insulation is purely capacitive Ic. However, dielectric losses within the insulation due to deterioration or other factors, will result in the reduction of the resistance in the insulation. This will in turn increase the resistive current Ir. The phase angle between the current and voltage is now less than 90 degrees, and the extent to which this is less than 90 degrees gives the level of degradation in the insulation. So this 'loss angle' is required to be measured. If the angle is Delta, then the tangent of Delta can be calculated by dividing is 'opposite over adjacent', which is Ir/Ic. There are various methods of how this is tested and industrial standards, such as the IEC provide acceptable values of Tan-delta for different types of insulation.

What test tube do you use to draw test for lead levels?

Tan Stopper

What is the maximum acceptable tan delta value of 132 KV SF6 circuit breaker?

The maximum acceptable tan delta value of a 132 KV SF6 circuit breaker is typically around 0.3. This value indicates the insulation quality of the circuit breaker and should be within the specified range to ensure safe and reliable operation. If the tan delta value exceeds this limit, it may indicate potential insulation issues that need to be addressed.

Why tan-delta capacitance test required?

In a pure capacitor current leads the voltage by 90 degrees. when a resistor is introduced in between the current leads an angle less than 90 degrees. Similarly in a Dielectric material when a cavity or deterioration starts , the life of the material starts deteriorating , as there is a resistance getting added and hence leakage current increases In tan Delta we find the difference in the angle and periodically note down the pace at which deterioration takes place.