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the part affected cross eye is eyes

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Q: What part affected by the cross eye?
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What part of the eye affected by cross eye?

eyeball or iris

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What part of your body is affected by cataract?

Cataracts occur on the eye.

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disease of the iris - Eye

Which part of human body is affected by cataract?

Cataract affects the lens of the eye, which becomes cloudy and impairs vision.

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What part of the eye affected when you have sore eyes?

When you have sore eyes, the surface of the eye, including the conjunctiva (the clear tissue covering the white part of the eye) and the cornea (the clear outer layer at the front of the eye), is usually affected. Sore eyes can be caused by various factors such as dryness, allergies, infections, or irritants. In some cases, underlying conditions like conjunctivitis or keratitis may also be responsible for the discomfort.

What is different about the eyes of a color blind person?

If your color blindness is genetic (as opposed to having been caused by trauma or neurological issues), the only part of the eye 'affected' would be the cones, that part of the eye responsible for discerning color.

Why do the optic nerves cross over?

Only half of each optic nerve crosses over. The eyeball is curved so that things in the left part of your visual field are being seen by the right side of each eye ball, i.e, the outer part of the right eye and the inner (nasal) part of the left eye. The images from the left side of the visual field are processed on the right side of the brain so the outer fibers from the right eye stay on the right side and the inner fibers from the left eye cross over to joint them and complete the picture.

What part of the body is affected by a macular hole?

A macular hole affects the eye, between the vitreous (the jelly like substance in the eye) and the retina itself. A macular hole is usually caused by shrinking and thickening of the vitreous due to aging. Any part of your body can be affected by a macular hole. However, a macular hole is most common in the eyes, especially on the retina.

What is mean eye star multi cross?

Eye= Nayan Star=Tara Multi= Bahu Cross= Guna Nayantara Bahuguna