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Q: What part of the graph is it when the x-axis and the y-axis cross?
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Why is it okay for a graph to cross one of its's horizontal asymptotes?

There is nothing in the definition of "asymptote" that forbids a graph to cross its asymptote. The only requirement for a line to be an asymptote is that if one of the coordinates gets larger and larger, the graph gets closer and closer to the asymptote. The "closer and closer" part is defined via limits.

What is A graph that is part of a circle?

CiRcLe GrApH!

What part of a graph tells what the bars or graph represents?

the x-axies

What is a cluster on a line graph?

A cluster in a line graph is the major part of the line graph that connects to the plot.

What graph would be best for comparing?

If they things you are comparing part of a whole, pie graph. If not, bar graph.

What part of a graph tells you what a line and bar graph repesent?

It is the legend or key.

What is the most important part of a graph?

It is somewhat subjective what the most important part of a graph is. It is very important that you label each axis.

What type of graph shows how a part of something relates to a whole of something?

A pie graph

What if the line graph equation has a negative y?

Then that part of the graph is below the x-axis.

Which type of graph most clearly shows how a part or percentage relates to the whole .?

A circle graph

How does information on a circle graph represented?

Each segment of the circle graph represent a part of the whole.

What might a graph show that a data table does not?

The graph could go on forever while a data table only shows a part of the graph.