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Q: What pattern would you expect when two variables are related by a linear model with a positive slope?
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Why is it necessary to keep all variables constant expect the one you are investigating?

otherwise when you change one or more of the other variables involved you will change the values of the variable you are trying to find

When a large number of cases are examined and a positive relationship is found what else should one expect to find?

a positive slope and a linear relationship

How is multiplying whole number the related to multiplying fractions?

Its related to each other because in both you multiply. Whole numbers are positive integers, expect zero which is neutral (no sign). If you know the time table, this will help you to multiply fractions written as integer/integer (rational number). So you will find the right value of the product. Positive or negative value, it depends on the sign of the numbers involved in the multiplication.

What does it mean by numeric value?

Numerical value = absolute value For any real number a, the absolute value of a, denoted by |a| is itself if a ≥ 0, and -a if a < 0. Thus |a| is positive expect when a = 0.

How does a fashion designer is related to math?

You have to be able to work out how much fabric you'll need in order to create a design. However the job of "pattern cutter" is far more related to maths than fashion design; pattern cutters are responsible for draughting paper patterns ("templates") of outfits that have been designed, in order for them to be scaled up or down for different sizes. The clothing must fit people really well, which is a trickier task then you might expect; this is when maths comes into it. Patterns also enable for multiple copies of an outfit to be made easily, and for designs to be stored for future reference.

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a comparison of two variables

Why is it necessary to keep all variables constant expect the one you are investigating?

otherwise when you change one or more of the other variables involved you will change the values of the variable you are trying to find

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Gram positive

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When a large number of cases are examined and a positive relationship is found what else should one expect to find?

a positive slope and a linear relationship

How is multiplying whole number the related to multiplying fractions?

Its related to each other because in both you multiply. Whole numbers are positive integers, expect zero which is neutral (no sign). If you know the time table, this will help you to multiply fractions written as integer/integer (rational number). So you will find the right value of the product. Positive or negative value, it depends on the sign of the numbers involved in the multiplication.

How much is auto insurance for a Camaro?

There are far too many variables to ask a question like this and expect a reasonable answer. One person may pay $350 a year and another may pay $4500 a year depending on all the variables.

How much can a 17yr old expect to pay liability insurance for a 02' suzuki sv650?

Too many variables. Call and ask your local agent

Can bactrim cause a false positive drug screen?

yes it can I just went and took a urine test and it showed positive for benzos. I have not taken anything expect bactrim

What force would you expect between sodium ions and chloride ions in a crystal of sodium chloride?

(+)--(-) positive and negative