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95% You simply subtract the decrease from the original 100%.

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Q: What percent expresses a 5 percent decrease in the original whole?
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What is the percent of change round to the nearest whole percent if necessary is the percent change an increase or decrease if it is 99 to 74?

25.25% decrease

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It is: (89-32.9)/89 times 100 = 63% decrease to the nearest whole number

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12.5% (13%).

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39 is 40 percent of what number?

When a whole number is given- divide the percent given into the whole number and you will get the original number 39\40 should equal 97.5 great fun you should try it. Works every time.

What is one whole as a percent?

one whole as a percent = 100%

How do you find a multiplier when you know the percent decrease?

For example, a 10% decrease is equivalent to multiplying the original number by the factor 0.9. This is equal to (100-10)/100. In general, reducing something by a factor of "x" percent is equivalent to multiplying by a factor of (100-x)/100. Note that with some practice, you should be able to do all the calculations in your head, at least for a whole-number percentage.For an increase, change the minus to a plus - that's all.

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Divide 265/250 = 1.06, which is 106 %. Since 100% is the whole original amount, the extra 6% is the increase over the original, so it is a 6% increase.

What is 25 percent of a whole?

25 percent of a whole = 25% of 100%

How do you find part if you have whole and percent?

Part = Whole*Percent/100

How do you convert 9 percent percent into a whole number?

It is already a whole #

What is the whole in percent?

The whole is 100%