We can represent this by a fraction, 12/15. To convert a fraction to percent, multiply by 100. This will give us the formula, 12/15 * 100. Notice that 12 and 15 have a common factor (a number that will divide into each of them evenly), which is 3. If we divide the top of a fraction (the numerator) and the bottom (the denominator) by the same number, we are really dividing by one, and so are not changing the value. If we do this before we multiply by 100, we get the following: 4/5 * 100. This works out to 400/5, which in turn works out to 80. Voila: the answer is 80%.
80 percent of 12 percent = 0.8 x 12 percent = 9.6 percent
12 percent of 15 is 1.8
15/1.25 = 12 Therefore, the number that 15 is 125 percent of, is 12.
15 + 12% = 16.8
80 percent of 12 percent = 0.8 x 12 percent = 9.6 percent
12 percent of 15 is 1.8
12/15 = 4/5 = 80 percent
15/1.25 = 12 Therefore, the number that 15 is 125 percent of, is 12.
15 + 12% = 16.8
12 out of 15 is 80%
100*12/15 = 80 percent
Expressed as a percentage, 12/15 x 100 = 80 percent.
15% of $12.00= 15% * 12= 0.15 * 12= $1.80
15% of 120 is equal to 12% of 150. 15% of 120 = 18 12% of 150 = 18
100*12/15 = 80%