This can be done in a normal division problem. However, the answer is .375 or moving the decimal 2 places to the right we have 37.5%. To check the results multiply(this is the reverse of division) 8 by .375 and you'll get 3. Remember that if you multiply a number less than 1 by a whole positive integer(1,2,3,4,5....) you'll get a smaller number than the one you started with. If you multiply with 1, you get the original number. If you multiply by a number bigger than 1 the results will be bigger than the number you started with. Good luck!
0.5 percent is equivalent to 1/2 percent.
Which percent is equivalent to 3
18.2 percent is equivalent to 182/1000 percent or 91/500 percent
The percent equivalent is 12.5%. The fraction equivalent is 1/8.
percent equivalent to 45 = 4500%45 * 100% = 4500%
3/8 = 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375
0.5 percent is equivalent to 1/2 percent.
Which percent is equivalent to 3
18.2 percent is equivalent to 182/1000 percent or 91/500 percent
percent equivalent of 2.5 =250%
The percent equivalent is 12.5%. The fraction equivalent is 1/8.
percent equivalent to 0.0807 = 0.0807 * 100% = 8.07%
.75 percent is equivalent to 3/4
The decimal equivalent of 33 percent is: 0.33
percent equivalent to 2 = 200%2 * 100% = 200%
The fractional equivalent of 30 percent is multiplying by 0.3.