35 is what percent of 175 = 35 / 175 = 0.2
Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.2 * 100 = 20%
No 175 over 100 is 1.75 percent
To calculate 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. For example, 35 percent of 500 is equal to 500 x 0.35 = 175.
The amount after the discount is $113.75
No 175 over 100 is 1.75 percent
35 is 175% of 20.
To find 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. In this instance, 0.35 x 500 = 175. Therefore, 35 percent of 500 is equal to 175.
175 gallons.
It is: 140+35 = 175
To calculate 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. For example, 35 percent of 500 is equal to 500 x 0.35 = 175.
The amount after the discount is $113.75
35% of 500 pounds= 35% * 500= 0.35 * 500= 175 pounds