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Q: What percent of people can put their foot behind their head?
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Is it possible for you to put your foot behind your head?

yes,but most people can not put their foot all the way behind their head.Some people who are very flexible probably can put their foot behind their head.

What is a billemann?

A billemann is a figure skating spiral where the figure skater has their foot above their head from behind.

What is good for killing snakes?

your foot is good but make sure it is not poisonous also if you grab it behind the head it cant bite you

How did the Aztec people travel?

By Foot! By Foot! the Aztec people did not travel on horses like pople may say they did they travel on something called their head

What percent of people can put both legs behind their head?

I can put both my legs behind my

What is the head foot region of a cephalopod?

The “Head-Foot” region contains the mouth and sensory organs as well as the foot, the foot contains organs for locomotion.

What are the four main body parts of mollusks?

Head/Foot - Has sense organs and is used for mobility. Mantle - Covers the body mass and can secrete a shell in some species. Body - Contains the main organs. Located above the head/foot.

Why is the name pivot given for pivot joints?

Pivot means to turn. A dancer can turn on 1 foot. You can turn on your foot look behind you. Your pivot joints is between the first and second cervical vertebrae (neck). This joint allows you to turn your head.

How do you put both of your legs behind your head?

Look straight up; both of your legs are then "behind your head."

Where is a snail's head located?

A snail's head is located at the end of its foot.

What end of the cigar is opposite the foot?

You clip or punch the "head". You light the foot.

What has four legs one head and a foot?

A bed has four legs, one head, and one foot. ... some aliens might as well. :)