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Well, isn't that just a happy little coincidence! It's estimated that around 10-12% of people have one attached and one detached earlobe. Just like how every tree in our painting is unique, each person's features are special and beautiful in their own way.

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Q: What percent of people have one attached and one detached earlobe?
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Related questions

What percentage of people in United States have detached earlobes?

Studies show that roughly seventy percent of people in the world have detached earlobes, leaving thirty percent with attached earlobes. However, this is only a rough estimate based on data collected.

Is the smallest bone located in your earlobe?

No, the earlobe is just a fleshy skin tag. For some people it is attached and small. The smallest bone is the stapes or stirrup. It is one of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear and it enters the cochlea of the inner ear.

What percent of people worldwide have attached ears?

attached ears as in stapled or like born with it, if stapled- 1% if born with it- 99%

How do you use the word detached in a sentence?

"The astronout detached the tether from his self and the tools"

Why are we attracted to people with the same earlobe length or nose width as us?


Are ear lobs that are attached dominant or recessive?

It was said earlier that, "Unattached earlobes are the dominant trait, twice as many people have unattached earlobes compared to attached." There is not actually any real proof that unattached earlobes are dominant. While more people may have unattached earlobes, attached earlobes are dominant. This was proved in a pedigree which covered three generations of extended families.

Does your ear lobe look big after having gauges?

Yes, but for most people, that's kind of the point. Your earlobe is stretched out.

What percentage of people have detached earlobes?

it is a dominant trait so about 75% i would say

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After days of stretching earlobe to a different size The whole earlobe is slightly purple?

no it shouldn't be Stretch down a size and wait a few weeks until you stretch up again. Some people's ears turn purple instead of red when irritated but if that isn't normal for you, downsize.

Is Tasmania mostly houses or mostly apartments?

Most people live in fully detached houses.

What is feeling detached from your friends a sign of?

My first reaction would be to say that it is you, not other people, who is acting differently.