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Q: What percent of people in US stay married to the same person for 50 years?
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What are the marriage percentages in the various regions of Ghana?

In general, 44.8 percent of the population aged 15 years and older is married. Specifically, AMA and the Tema municipality has 43.3 percent and 43.5 percent of people who are married.

What percent of couples in mass weddings get divorced?

A young couple marrying for the first time today has a lifetime divorce risk of 40 percent, people who have been married many years (say, 35-plus) and have never been divorced have almost no chance of the marriage ending in divorce, and about 31 percent of a person's friends, aged 35 to 54, who are married, engaged or cohabiting have already previously been married.

What percent of married couples make 70 years?

what percentage of marrages last more than 70 years

Should a person get married at twenty years of age?

Only if they love their spouse and know they want to be with that person for the rest of their life. But it is a little young, I think people miss out on some of their life if they get married too early. if they are in love it is their choice

What percent of married couples make it to 75 years?


What percentage of households in 1998 were made up of married couples with children?

Married couples comprised 78 percent of households in 1950, but this percentage dropped dramatically over the next forty years to a mere 53 percent in 1998. Also, the average size of American households has decreased over the recent years. About 57 percent of American households now only house one or two people, compared to an average of about 3.1 people in 1970 (USDS, 2001).

If married for 40 years to one that secretly has another family many years is this also common law or bigamy?

if the person is married twice it's bigamy...if not married to the second family...then nothing just had children with another person.

Is your wife entilted to 50 percent of your pension if you are married for 11 years and then get divorced?

She is entitled to 50% of the portion of your Pension of the years you were married. For example, If you had a Pension fund for 7 years, prior to your marriage, then married for 11 years, she is entitled only to 50% of the portion of the Pension you acquired during the 11 years you were married, and not the 7 years of the Pension, prior to your marriage.

Has anybody been married for 50 years?

yes there are lots of people married for over 50 years my grandparents were

If a person has been married for 15 years and now wants an open marriage does that mean they're not in love with their spouse?

Probably just immature and sexually bored. I wouldn't think that's the kind of person most people would want to be married to.

How many years do you have to be married to a person to be able to draw their social security if they die?

10 years