anything less than 5% (which is 500)
500 / 10 000 = 0.05 x 100 = 5%
The number in the hundred-thousands digit is 6. The number in the ten-thousends digit is 4. 4 is less that five so the 6 will stay the same: 640,000
Nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine
A number 100 less than a hundred thousand is 99,900. This is calculated by subtracting 100 from 100,000, resulting in 99,900. The difference between the two numbers is 100.
five hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and thirteen - 100000 = 560,313 - 100,000 = 460,313 = four hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and thirteen.
36500 is more than 5214 because 36500 is thirty six thousand and five hundred but 5214 is only five thousand, two hundred and fourteen.
Approximately one hundred twenty-five thousand to two hundred thousand Americans suffer from narcolepsy. Unfortunately, less than fifty thousand were improperly diagnosed.
Since the hundreds place is less than five hundred, you round it to 8000.
Twenty quintillion, five trillion, five hundred fifty-five billion, five hundred fifty-five million, four hundred thirty-seven thousand, six hundred fifty-four.
No. Expressed in dollars, thousand fifty five dollars and twenty four cents (2055.24) is less than two thousand five hundred dollars (2500).
Two hundred ninety-three trillion, three hundred seventy-five billion, five hundred seventy-six million, nine hundred thirty-three thousand, four hundred seventy-five.
7,000,000 / 10 = 700,000 seven hundred thousand
One hundred-thousand, minus one hundred equals ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred (99,900).
eleven thousand.
9,900 (nine thousand nine hundred)