existence is eternal like God. so any time amounted against infinity would be negligible and equal zero
pi is a universal constant which existed long before the first human existed. It existed even before the solar system came into being so there is no person who invented it and so no biography.
Probability of pass on second attempt is 40% x 80% = 32%
In Virginia is it true that for a non violet crime you only pull 65 percent of you time or is it still 85 percent?
This is because some of the things that existed were eaten by other things and so ceased to exist.
Some physicists believe that if wormholes exist, there is the possibility that time loops exist. Theories of time loops have existed since the 1950s.
Well there's no exact time but hunting deer has existed since man has existed.
I am sure one has existed at one point in time...
Flying cars have existed for quite some time. Check out the James Bond movie 'The Man with the Golden Gun'.
Since man didn't exist in the time it existed it killed no one.
10 percent
spider man existed something like 2 (or) 3 years by the movies.
God was created by man an idea made to explain the ineffable. Since matter is not infinite (proved by thermodynamics). The only thing that can be feasibly infinite is time. If time is what always existed then god is the equivalent of time. You could also argue that god is energy but because energy is a form of matter it can't have existed before time because then it would never exist because there wouldn't be any time for it to be created or exist. This is why time must be the beginning what existed before anything else. Unlike god who logically was created by man after time.
Man has not existed during the time of dinosaurs. However, the oldest, perhaps, descendant of man might have existed. Lucy (Australopithecus) was a descendant of man which lived around three point five million years ago (3,500,000). Ardi (Adripithecus?) on the other hand, was also a descendant of man which lived around four point four million years ago (4,400,000).
They co existed