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Q: What percentage do you get if you miss 1 out of 12 questions?
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What if miss 1 out of 5 questions what is my grade?

As a percentage it is 80%

What percentage would you get if you missed 1 questions out of 12?

91.66666 reccuring

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(12% of £5) + (8% of £5)?

The answer is ... 1 if there another percentage questions you are unsure about you this website out it can solve your problem search up percentage calculator and you will will one for free online... Really do hope I helped you solve your questions... Bye.

What is your score if you miss 1 out if 15 questions?


What is the percentage of 1 wrong out of 85 questions?

percentage of 1 wrong out of 85 questions = 1.17% % rate: = 1/85 * 100% = 0.0117 * 100% = 1.17%

What percentage of students have missed only one question on the ACT?

A very small number, less than 1% (you can actually miss several questions and still get a perfect 36).

What is your score if you miss 1 out of 3 questions?

two third

What is your score if you miss 1 question out of 5 questions?


What is the percentage for 1 12?

1/12 = 0.0833

How many questions can you miss to get a 90 percent on a 125 question test?

The answer to how many questions you can miss (assuming each question is worth 1 mark) is given below: ((100-90)/100) * 125 = 12.5 questions. You must round this down unless you can be awarded half marks. Assuming no half marks are awarded you can miss up to 12 questions on a 125 question test and score 90% or more.

What is the percent if you miss 1 question out of 5?

you get 20% if you get 1 out of 5 questions.