Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
Even if you assume the questions are all worth the same number of marks, the answer may well depend on the grade boundaries.
58% or F
69% or D+
you get 20% if you get 1 out of 5 questions.
4 out of 5 or 80%
25 questions and u can only miss 5
Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
Even if you assume the questions are all worth the same number of marks, the answer may well depend on the grade boundaries.
"What is 1 + 1?" is an easy math question in any grade.
58% or F
69% or D+
66.67% D
To get at least 90% on a 50 question test, you can miss no more than 5 questions.