

Best Answer

(2/6)x100 = (100/3) = 33.333%

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Q: What percentage is 2 out of 6?
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What is 2 out of 6 as a percentage?


What is 6 over 2 as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 2/6 x 100 = 33.3 recurring (that is, 33.3333..) percent.2/6 = 1/3 = .3333 forever33.33%

What is 6 over 300 as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 6/300 x 100 = 2 percent.

What percentage of 30 is 2?

2 is 6 and 2/3% of 30

What is 2 over 6 in percentage?

33.3recuring %

What percentage of 6 is 2?

fifty six

What percentage is it if you passed 6 out of 9 classes?

6 out of 9 classes is 2/3rds or about 66%.

What is the percentage for 2 out of 6?

It is: 2/6 times 100 = 33.3% recurring decimal 3

What is percentage uif you missed 2 out of 6?


What is the percentage of 2 out of 6?

33.33 percent

What is the percentage increase from 2 to 6?

200% increase.

What percentage is 2 out of 3?

66.666666666 continuing