Instead of "out of" say divide. 918 divided by 3400 can be written as a fraction where 918 is the numerator and 3400 is the denominator. When you divide, you get 0.27. When you multiply 0.27 by 100 you get a percentage, so 918 is 27% of 3400.
It is: MMMLX = 3060
3060 divided 36 = 85
Instead of "out of" say divide. 918 divided by 3400 can be written as a fraction where 918 is the numerator and 3400 is the denominator. When you divide, you get 0.27. When you multiply 0.27 by 100 you get a percentage, so 918 is 27% of 3400.
It is: MMMLX = 3060
The LCM of 3060 and 135 is 9180
3060 divided 36 = 85
27 × 34 = 918
It is 1/918.
Any one of the infinite numbers of the form 3060*k where k is an integer.
918 miles = 1477.38 km