One out of six white Americans have blue eyes.
95% of Americans live to be twelve.
Los alamos
is this correct: This is the PhDs' room. Or is it: This is the PhD's room
Little more than 1% of Americans have PhDs.
Yes, it is possible to obtain two PhDs simultaneously, but it is extremely rare and challenging due to the time and dedication required for each program.
Pursuing two PhDs simultaneously can save time and allow for interdisciplinary research, leading to a broader skill set and more career opportunities.
Yes, it is possible for an individual to obtain two PhDs, although it is rare and requires a significant amount of time and dedication to complete the necessary research and coursework for each degree.
There is no standard collective noun for a group of PhDs. Some that are close are a faculty of academics or a pomposity of professors.However, collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun the suits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a pomposity of PhDs, a profusion of PhDs, a puzzlement of PhDs, etc.
The plural form of Doctor of Philosophy can be abbreviated as either Ph.D's or PhD's.
percentage of Americans live to be 93?
The question is ambiguous, Are you interested in what percentage of Asians are Americans, or what percentage of Americans are of Asian origin?
The percentage of Americans that invest in capital markets is: 32%.