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Q: What percentage of Britain is covered by roads?
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What surface area of Britain is covered by roads?

Approximately 2% of the total surface area of Britain is covered by roads.

What percentage of Britain is covered by woodland?

About 11% of Britain is covered by woodlands.

What Percentage Area Of the UK is Roads?

0.1 percent of the area of the UK is covered by roads of one sort or another

Which city in Great Britain has no Roads?

In the 21st Century every city in Great Britain has roads

Why has so much of medieval Britain disappeared?

The reason so much has dissapeared is because of erosion for one because you have to think these are really old Buildings and erosion gets to them. They fall down only to be covered by soil,rocks,or roads and cities. The most plausible reason is erosion and being covered by buildings and roads ect.

What is roads and canals in the north?

"In the north of where?" Here, in Britain, we have many roads and canals in the north.

What did the Romans leave behind in Britain?

The Romans left roads because they wanted the roads so that they can get to other places of Britain easier and quicker.

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What percentage of the world's roads are paved?

1 percent

What the roman's brought to Britain?

roads,gold,food and rules

What is life like on a covered wagon?

Life on a covered wagon was difficult. Dust covered the wagons from traveling on dirt roads. Life on the covered wagon could also be dangerous.